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Tips to Maintain Wellness During This Strange Time

Fitness is so important after 50, especially now when we’ve all been spending more time at home. But it’s also helpful to remember the other elements of wellness, too.

Here’s the breakdown provided by the International Council on Active Aging:

  • Physical – Exercise and nutrition.

  • Emotional – coping with challenges and behaving in trustworthy and respectful ways.

  • Intellectual/Cognitive – engaging in creative pursuits and intellectually stimulating activities.

  • Professional/Vocational – using your skills while providing personal satisfaction, including as mentors, volunteers and more in retirement.

  • Social – interactions with family, friends, neighbors and chosen peer groups.

  • Spiritual – living with a meaning and purpose in life, guided by personal values.

  • Environmental – practicing habits that promote a healthy environment; understanding how different environments affect you.

Some Simple Tips

  1. Move More / Sit Less. Play fun music and dance… walk around during commercials… work in your garden.

  2. Volunteer online or over the phone.

  3. Express yourself. Write in a journal, paint, play music or sing. Talk about your feelings.

  4. Limit time with news and social media.

  5. Meditate or pray each day.

  6. Keep a clean, orderly home.

  7. Read books and discuss them.

  8. Research for your next trip or plan something exciting for the future.

We’ll get through this! Join our online workouts, and reach out to us any time. We’re here for you now and in the future.


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